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Swans and Storms

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  they sat in the ddle of a sll lake fed by the waters of brices creek. it wasnt large, ybe a hundred yards across, and she was surprised at how invisible it had been just nts before.

  it ectacular. tundra swan and ada geese literally surrouhe thousands of the birds floating so close together in so places that shuldhe water. froa distahe groups of swans looked alst like icebergs.

  &a;a;a;quot;oh, noah,&a;a;a;quot; she finally said softly, &a;a;a;quot;its beautiful.

  they sat in silence for a long while, watg the birds. noah pointed out a group of chicks, retly hatched, following a pack of geese he shore, struggling to keep up.

  the air was filled with honking and chirping as noah ved the oe through the water. the birds ighefor the st part. the only ones who seed bothered were those forced to ve when the oe approached the allie reached out to touch the closest ones aheir feathers ruffling under her fingers.

  noah brought out the bag of bread hed brought earlier and ha to allie. she scattered the bread, fav the little ones, laughing and sling as they swain circles, looking for food.

  they stayed until thunder bood in the distance - faint but powerful - and both of thek was ti to leave.

  noah led theback to the current of the creek, paddling strohan he had earlier.

  she was still azed by what she had seen. &a;a;a;quot;noah, what are they doing here?&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;i dont know. i know the swans froup north grate to lake mataskeet every winter, but i guess they ca here this ti. i dont know why. maybe the early blizzard had sothing to do with it. maybe they got off track or sothing. theyll find their way back, though.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;they wont stay?&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;i doubt it. theyre driven by instinct, and this isnt their place. so of the geese y winter here, but the swans will go baataskeet.&a;a;a;quot;

  noah paddled hard as dark clouds rolled directly overhead. soon rain began to fall, a light spri first, then gradually harder. lig&a;a;lt;bdi&a;a;gt;?99lib.&a;a;lt;/bdi&a;a;gt;htning, a pause, then thunder again. a little louder now. maybe six or seven les away. more rain as noah began to paddle even harder, his scles tightening with every stroke. thicker drops now. falling... falling with the wind... falling hard and thick... noah rowing ... rag the sky.., still getti.., cursing to hielf.., losing to mother nature...

  the downpour was steady now, and allie watched the rain fall diagonally frothe sky, trying to defy gravity as it rode oerly winds that whistled over the trees. the sky darkened a little re, and big heavy drops fell frothe clouds. hurrie drops.

  allie ehe rain and leaned her head back for a nt to let it hit her face. she khe front of her dress would soak through in uple of nutes, but she didnt care. she did wohough, if he noticed, then thought he probably did. she ran her hands through her hair, feeling its wetness. it felt wonderful, she felt wonderful, everythi wonderful. even through the rain, shuld hear hibreathing hard and the sound aroused her sexually in a way she had in years.

  a cloud burst directly above the and the rain began to e down even harder. harder than shed ever seen it. allie looked upward and laughed, giving up any attet at keeping dry, king noah feel better.

  he hadnt known how she was feeling about it. even though shed de the decision to e, he doubted that shed expected to be caught in a storlike this.

  they reached the dock uple of nutes later, and noah ved in close enough for allie to step out. he helped her up, then got out hielf and dragged the oe up the bank far enough not to drift away. just in case, he tied it to the dock, knowing another nute in the rain wouldnt ke any difference.

  as he was tying the oe, he looked up at allie and stopped breathing for just a sed. she was incredibly beautiful as she waited, watg hi pletely fortable in the rain. she didnt try to keep dry or hide herself, and huld see the outline of her breasts as they pressed through the fabric of the dress that g tightly to her body. it wasnt ld rain, but huld see her nipples ered protruding, hard like little rocks. he felt his loins 〔pl.〕解剖学腰;耻骨区;生殖器官 begin to stir and quickly turned away, earrassed, ttering to hielf, glad the rain ffled any sound of it. when he finished and stood, allie took his hand in hers, surprising hi despite the downpour, they didnt rush toward the house, and noah igined what it would be like to spend the night with her.

  allie, too, was w about hi she felt the warh in his hands and wondered what it would be like to have thetouch her body, feeling all of her, lingering slowly across her skin. just thinking about it de her take a deep breath, and she felt her nipples begin to tingle and a new warh between her legs.

  she realized then that sothing had ged since shed e here. and although shuldnt pinpoint the exact ti - yesterday after dinner, or this afternoon in the oe, or when they saw the swans, or ybe even now as they walked holding hands - she khat she had fallen in love with noah taylor calhoun again, and that ybe, just ybe, she had opped.

  there was no uneasiness between theas they reached the door and both of thewent inside, pausing in the foyer, clothes dripping. &a;a;a;quot;did y a ge of clothes?&a;a;a;quot;

  she shook her head, still feeling the roll of etions within her, w if it showed on her face.

  &a;a;a;quot;i think ifind sothing here for you so youget out of those clothes. it ght be a little big, but its war&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;anything,&a;a;a;quot; she said.

  &a;a;a;quot;ill be ba a sed.&a;a;a;quot;

  noah slipped off his boots, then ran up the stairs, desding a er. he had a pair otton pants and a long-sleeved shirt under one arand so jeans with a blue shirt iher.

  &a;a;a;quot;here,&a;a;a;quot; he said, haton pants and shirt. &a;a;a;quot;youge in the bedrooupstairs. theres a bathrooand towel up there too if you want to shower.&a;a;a;quot;

  she thanked hiwith a sle a up the stairs, feeling his eyes on her as she walked. she ehe bedrooand closed the door, thehe pants and shirt on his bed and peeled everything off. naked, she went to his closet and found a hanger, put her dress, bra, and panties on it, and theo hang it ihrooso it wouldnt drip on the hardwood floor. she felt a secret thrill at being naked in the sa roohe slept in.

  she didnt want to shower after being in the rain. she liked the soft feeling on her skin, and it rended her of how people used to live long ago. naturally. like noah.

  she slipped on his clothes before looking at herself in the rror. the pants were big, but tug in the shirt helped, and she rolled up the botto just a little so they wouldnt drag. the neck was torn a little and it nearly hung off one shoulder, but she liked the way it looked on her anyway. she pulled the sleeves up alst to the elbows, went to the bureau, and slipped on so socks, theo the bathrooto find a hairbrush.

  she brushed her wet hair just enough to get out the snarls, letting it rest on her shoulders. looking in the rror, she wished she had brought a clasp or uple of hairpins. and a little re scara. but whauld she do? her eyes still had a little of what shed put on earlier, and she touched up with a washcloth, doing the best shuld. when she was finished, she checked herself in the rror, feeling pretty despite everything, a back dowairs.

  noah was in the living roosquatting before a fire, doing his best tax it to life. he didnt see her e in, and she watched hias he worked. he had ged his clothes as well and looked good: his shoulders broad, wet hair hanging just over hillar, jeans tight.

  he poked the fire, ving the logs, and added so re kindling. allie leaned against the doorja大门柱, one leg crossed over the other, and tio watch hi in a few he fire had turo flas, even and steady. he turo the side thten the reining unused logs and caught a glise of her out of the er of his eye. he turned back to her quickly.

  even in his clothes she looked beautiful. after a urned away shyly, going back to stag the logs.

  &a;a;a;quot;i didnt hear you e in,&a;a;a;quot; he said, trying to sound casual.

  &a;a;a;quot;i know. you werent supposed to.&a;a;a;quot; she knew what he had been thinking a a tinge of asent at how young he seed.

  &a;a;a;quot;how long have you been standing there?&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;uple of nutes.&a;a;a;quot;

  noah brushed his hands on his pants, then poio the kit. &a;a;a;quot; i get you so tea? i started the water while you were upstairs.&a;a;a;quot;

  sll talk, anything to keep his nd clear. but da, the way she looked...

  she thought for a sed, saw the way he was looking at her, ahe old instincts take over.

  &a;a;a;quot;do you have anything stronger, or is it too early to drink?&a;a;a;quot;

  he sled. &a;a;a;quot;i have so bourbon in the pantry. is that okay?&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;that sounds great.&a;a;a;quot;

  he started toward the kit, and allie watched hirun his hand through his wet hair as he disappeared.

  thunder bood loudly, and another downpour started. alliuld hear the r of the rain on the roofuld hear the snapping of logs as the flickering flas lit the roo she turo the window and saw the gray sky flash lighter for just a sed. monts later, another booof thunder. close this ti.

  she took a quilt frothe sofa and sat on the rug in front of the fire. crossing her legs, she adjusted the quilt until she was fortable and watched the dang flas. noah ca back, saw what she had done, ao sit beside her. he put down two glasses and poured so bourbon into each of the

  outside, the sky grew darker. thunder again. loud. the storin full fury, winds whipping the rain in circles.

  &a;a;a;quot;its quite a stor&a;a;a;quot; noah said as he watched the drops flow iical strea on the windows. he and allie were close now, though not toug, and noah watched her chest rise slightly with every breath, igining the feel of her body once again before fighting it back.

  &a;a;a;quot;i like it,&a;a;a;quot; she said, taking a sip. &a;a;a;quot;ive always liked thuor. even as a young girl.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;why?&a;a;a;quot; saying anything, keeping his balance.

  &a;a;a;quot;i dont know. they just always seed rontie.&a;a;a;quot;

  she was quiet for a nt, and noah watched the fire flicker in her erald eyes.

  then she said, &a;a;a;quot;do you reer sitting together and watg the stora few nights before i left?&a;a;a;quot;


  &a;a;a;quot;i used to think about it all the ti after i went ho. i always thought about how you looked that night. it was the way i always reered you.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;have i ged ch?&a;a;a;quot;

  she took another sip of bourbon, feeling it warher. she touched his hand as she answered. &a;a;a;quot;not really. not ihings that i reer. youre older, ourse, with re life behind you, but youve still got the sa gleain your eye. you still read poetry and float on rivers. and youve still got a ge not even the wauld take away.&a;a;a;quot;

  he thought about what shed said a her hand lingering on his, her thu trag slow circles.

  &a;a;a;quot;allie, you askedearlier what i reered st about the suer. what do you reer?&a;a;a;quot;

  it was a while before she answered. her voice seed to e frosowhere else. &a;a;a;quot;i reer king love. thats what i reer st. you werefirst, and it was re wonderful than i ever thought it would be.&a;a;a;quot;

  noah took a drink of bourbon, reering, bringing back the old feelings again, then suddenly shook his head. this was already hard enough.

  she went on. &a;a;a;quot;i reer being so afraid beforehand that i was treling, but at the sa ti being so excited. iglad you were the first. iglad we were able to share that.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;me too.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;were you as afraid as i was?&a;a;a;quot;

  noah nodded without speaking, and she sled at his hoy.

  &a;a;a;quot;i thought so. you were always shy like that. especially in the beginning. i reer you had asked if i had a boyfriend, and when i said i did, you barely talked toanyre.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;i didnt want to get betweewo of you.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;you did, though, in the end, despite your professed innoce,&a;a;a;quot; she said, sling. &a;a;a;quot;and iglad you did.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;when did you finally tell hiabout us?&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;after i got ho.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;was it hard?&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;not at all. i was in love with you.&a;a;a;quot;

  she squeezed his hand, let go, and ved closer. she put her hand through his ar cradling it, aed her head on his shoulder. huld sll her, soft like the rain, war

  she spoke quietly: &a;a;a;quot;do you reer walking ho after the festival? i asked you if you wao seeagain. you just nodded your head and didnt say a word. it wasnt too ving.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;id never t anyone like you before. uldnt help it. i didnt know what to say.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;i know. yould never hide anything. your eyes always gave you away. you had the st wonderful eyes id ever seen.&a;a;a;quot; she paused then, lifted her head frohis shoulder, and looked directly at hi when she spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper. &a;a;a;quot;i think i loved you re that suer than i ever loved anyone.&a;a;a;quot;

  lightning flashed again. in the quiet nts before the thuheir eyes t as they tried to undo the fourteen years, both of thesensing a ge since yesterday.

  whehunder finally sounded, noah sighed and turned froher, toward the windows. &a;a;a;quot;i wish yould have read the letters i wrote you,&a;a;a;quot; he said.

  she didnt speak for a long while.

  &a;a;a;quot;it wasnt just up to you, noah. i didnt tell you, but i wrote you a dozeers after i got ho. i just never sent the&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;why?&a;a;a;quot; noah was surprised.

  &a;a;a;quot;i guess i was too afraid.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;of what?&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;that ybe it wasnt as real as i thought it was. that ybe you fot .&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;i would never do that. uldnt even think it.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;i know that now. isee it when i look at you. but back then, it was different. there was so ch i didnt uand, things that a young girls nuldnt sort out.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;what do you an?&a;a;a;quot;

  she pausedlleg her thoughts. &a;a;a;quot;when your letters never ca, i didnt know what to think. i reer talking tobest friend about what happehat suer, and she said that you got what you wanted, and that she wasnt surprised that you wouldnt write. i didnt believe that you were that way, i never did, but hearing it and thinking about all our differences dewonder if ybe the suer ant re tothan it had ant to you ... and then, while all this was going throughhead, i heard frosarah. she said that you had left new bern.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;fin and sarah always knew where i was - &a;a;a;quot;

  she held up her hand to stop hi &a;a;a;quot;i know, but i never asked. i assud that you had left new bern to start a new life, ohout . why else wouldnt you write? or call? or e see ?&a;a;a;quot;

  noah looked away without answering, and she tinued:

  &a;a;a;quot;i didnt know, and in ti, the hurt began to fade and it was easier to just let it go. at least i thought it was. but in every boy i t in thefew years, i found self looking for you, and when the feelings got to, id write you another letter. but i never sent thefor fear of what i ght find. by then, youd gone on with your life and i didnt want to think about you loving soone else. i wao reer us like we were that suer. i didnt want to ever lose that.&a;a;a;quot;

  she said it so sweetly, so ily, that noah wao kiss her when she finished.

  but he didnt. instead he fought the urge and pushed it back, knowing it wasnt what she needed. yet she felt so wonderful to hi toug hi

  &a;a;a;quot;the last letter i wrote was uple of years ago. after i t lon, i wrote to your daddy to find out where you were. but it had been so long since id seen you, i wasnt even sure hed still b99lib?here. and with the war...&a;a;a;quot;

  she trailed off, and they were quiet for a nt, both of thelost in thought.

  lightning lit the sky again before noah finally broke the silence.

  &a;a;a;quot;i wish you would have iled it anyway.&a;a;a;quot;


  &a;a;a;quot;just to hear froyou. to hear what youve been up to.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;you ght have been disappointed. my life isnt too exg. besides, ily what you reered.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;youre better than i reered, allie.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;youre sweet, noah.&a;a;a;quot;

  he alst stopped there, knowing that if he kept the words inside hi huld sohow keep trol, the sa trol he had kept the past fourteen years. but sothing else had overtaken hinow, and he gave in to it, hoping sohow, in so way, it would take theback to what theyd had so long ago.

  &a;a;a;quot;inot saying it because isweet. isaying it because i love you now and i always have. more than youigine.&a;a;a;quot;

  a log snapped, sending sparks up the ey, and both of thenoticed the sreins, alst burhrough. the fire needed an, but her of theved.

  allie took another sip of bourbon and began to feel its effects. but it wasnt just the hol that de her hold noah a little tighter and feel his warh against her. glang out the window, she saw the clouds were alst black.

  &a;a;a;quot;letget the fire going again,&a;a;a;quot; noah said, needing to think, and she released hi he went to the fireplace, opehe s, and added uple of logs. he used the poker to adjust the burning wood, king sure the new woould catch easily.

  the fla began to spread again, and noah returo her side. she snuggled up against hiagaiing her head on his shoulder as she had before, not speaking, rubbing her hand lightly against his chest. noah leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

  &a;a;a;quot;this rendsof how we once were. when we were young.&a;a;a;quot;

  she sled, thinking the sa thing, and they watched the fire and ske, holding each other.

  &a;a;a;quot;noah, youve never asked, but i want you to know sothing.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;what is it?&a;a;a;quot;

  her voice was tender. &a;a;a;quot;theres never been another, noah. you werent just the first. youre the only n ive ever been with. i dont expect you to say the sa thing, but i wanted you to kno;quot;

  noah was silent as he turned away. she felt warr as she watched the fire. her hand rahe scles beh his shirt, hard and firas they leaned against each other. she reered when theyd held each other like this for what theyd thought would be the last ti. they were sitting on a sea wall desigo hold back the waters of the neuse river. she was g because they ght never see each ain, and she wondered how shuld ever be happy again. instead of answering, he pressed a o her hand, which she read on the way ho. she had saved it, oasionally reading all of it or sotis just a part. one part shed read at least a huis, and for so reason it ran through her head now. it said:

  the reason it hurts so ch to separate is because our souls are ected. maybe they always have been and will be. maybe weve lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of theweve found each other. and ybe each ti, weve been forced apart for the sa reasons. that ans that this good-bye is both a goodbye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will e.

  when i look at you, i see your beauty and grad know they have grown stronger with every life you have lived. and i know i have spent every life before this one searg for you. not soone like you, but you, for your soul and ne st always e together. and then, for a reasoher of us uands, weve been forced to say good-bye.

  i would love to tell you that everything will work out for us, and i prose to do all ito ke sure it does. but if we never et again and this is truly good-bye, i knoill see each ain in another life. we will find each ain, and ybe the stars will have ged, and we will not only love each other in that ti, but for all the tis weve had before.

  could it be? she wondered. could he be right? she had never pletely disted it, wanting to hold on to its prose in case it was true. the idea had helped her through ny hard tis. but sitting here now seed to test the theory that they were destio always be apart. uhe stars had ged sihey were last together.

  and ybe they had, but she didnt want to look. instead she leaned into hiahe heat between the felt his body, felt his artight around her. and her body began to trele with the sa anticipation she had felt the first ti they were together.

  it felt sht to be here. everythi right. the fire, the drinks, the stor- iuldnt have been re perfect. like gic, it seed, their years apart didnt tter anyre.

  lightning cut the sky outside. fire danced on white-hot wood, spreading the heat.october raied itself against the windows, drowning out all other sounds.

  they gave io everything they had fought the last fourteen years. allie lifted her head off his shoulder, looked at hiwith hazy eyes, and noah kissed her softly on the lips.&a;a;gt;?&a;a;lt;/a&a;a;gt; she brought her hand to his fad touched his cheek, brushing it softly with her fingers. he leaned in slowly and kissed her again, still soft and tender, and she kissed back, feeling the years of separation dissolve into passion. she closed her eyes and parted her lips as he ran his fingers up and down her ar, slowly, lightly. he kissed her neck, her cheek, her eyelids, and she felt the isture of his uth linger wherever his lips had touched. she took his hand a to her breasts, and a whier rose ihroat as he gently touched thethrough the thin fabric of the shirt.

  the world seed dreaike as she pulled back frohi the firelight setting her face aglow. without speaking, she started to undo the buttons on his shirt. he watched her as she did it and listeo her soft breaths as she de her way downward.

  with each button huld feel her fingers brushing against his skin, and she sled softly at hiwhen she finally finished. he felt her slide her hands ioug hias lightly as possible, letting her hands explore his body. he was hot and she ran her hand over his slightly wet chest, feeling his hair between her fingers. leaning in, she kissed his neck gently as she pulled the shirt over his shoulders, log his ar behind his back. she lifted her head and allowed hito kiss her as he rolled his shoulders, freeing hielf frothe sleeves.

  with that, he slowly reached for her. he lifted her shirt and ran his finger slowly across her belly before raising her ar and slipping it off. she felt short of breath as he lowered his head and kissed between her breasts and slowly ran his tongue up to her neck. his hands gently caressed her back, her ar, her shoulders, and she felt their heated bodies press together, skin to skin. he kissed her ned nibbled gently as she lifted her hips and allowed hito pull off her botto. she reached for the snap 搭扣on his jeans, undid it, and watched as he slipped theoff as well. it was alst slow tion as their naked bodies finally ca together, both of thetreling with the ry of what they had once shared together.

  he ran his tongue along her neck while his hands ved over the soth hot skin of her breasts, down her belly, past her navel, and up again. he was struck by her beauty. her shiering hair trapped the light and de it sparkle. her skin was soft aiful, alst glowing in the firelight. he felt her hands on his back, being hi

  they lay back, close to the fire, and the heat de the air seethick. her back was slightly arched as he rolled atop her in one fluid tion. he was on all fours above her, his knees astride her hips. she lifted her head and kissed hisand neck, breathing hard, lig his shoulders, and tasting the sweat that lingered on his body. she ran her hands through his hair as he held hielf above her, his arscles hard frothe exertion. with a little teting frown, she pulled hicloser, but he resisted. instead he lowered hielf and lightly rubbed his chest against her, and she felt her body respond with anticipation. he did this slowly, over and over, kissing every part of her body, listening as she de soft, whiering sounds while he ved above her.

  he did this until shuldnt take it anyre, and when they finally joined as one, she cried aloud and pressed her fingers hard into his back. she buried her fa his ned felt hideep inside her, felt his strength aleness, felt his scle and his soul. she ved rhythcally against hi allowing hito take her wherever he wao the place she was ant to be.

  she opened her eyes and watched hiin the firelight, rveling at his beauty as he ved above her. she saw his body glisten with crystal sweat and watched as beads rolled down his chest and fell onto her like the rain outside. and with every drop, with every breath, she felt herself, every responsibility, every facet of her life, slipping away.

  their bodies reflected everything given, everything taken, and she was rewarded with a sensation she never ked. it went on and on, tingling throughout her body and warng her before finally subsiding, and she struggled to catch her breath while she treled beh hi but the nt it was over, another oarted to build again, and she started to feel thein long sequences, ht after the . by the ti the rain had stopped and the sun had set, her body was exhausted but unwilling to stop the pleasure between the

  they spent the day in each others ar, alternately king love by the fire and then holding each other as they watched the flas curl around the wood. sotis he recited one of his favorite poe as she lay beside hi and she would listen with her eyes closed and alst feel the words. then, when they were ready, they would join again and he rred words of love between kisses as they ed their ar around one another.

  they went on throughout the evening, king up for their years apart, and slept in each others ar that night. oasionally he would wake up and look at her, her body spent and radiant, and feel as if everything were suddenly right in this world.

  once, when he was looking at her in the nts before daybreak, her eyes fluttered open and she sled and reached up to touch his face. he put his fio her lips, gently, to keep her frospeaking, and for a long ti they just looked at one another.

  when the lu in his throat subsided, he whispered to her, &a;a;a;quot;you are the ao every prayer ive offered. you are a song, a drea a whisper, and i dont know how uld have lived without you for as long as i have. i love you, allie, re than youever igine. i always have, and i always will.&a;a;a;quot;

  &a;a;a;quot;oh, noah,&a;a;a;quot; she said, pulling hito her. she wanted hi needed hinow re than ever, like nothing shed ever known.

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