御宅屋 > 其它小说 > The Notebook > Miracles


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  who ai? and how, i wonder, will this story end?

  the sun has e up and i asitting by a window that is foggy with the breath of a life... gone by. ia sight thistwo shirts, heavy pants, a scarf ed twice arounducked into a thick sweater knitted bydaughter thirty birthdays ago. the therstat inroois set as high as it will go, and a sller space heater sits directly behi clicks and groans and spews hot air like a fairy-tale dragon, and stillbody shivers with ld that will never go away, ld that has beey years in the king.

  eighty years, i think sotis, aeotany age, it still azesthat i havent been warsince gee bush resident.

  i wonder i&a;a;lt;bdo&a;a;gt;藏书网&a;a;lt;/bdo&a;a;gt;f this is how it is for everyoneage.

  my life? it isnt easy to explain. it has not been the rip-r spectacular i fa would be, but her have i burrowed around with the gophers (sll burrowing rodent (native to the north ari prairies). i suppose it has st reseled a blue-chip stock: fairly stable, re ups than downs, and gradually trending upward over ti. a good buy, a lucky buy, and ive learhat not everyonesay this about藏书网 his life. but do not be sled. i anothing special; of this i asure. i aa an with on thoughts, and ive led a on life. there are no s dedicated toandna will sooten, but ive loved another with allheart and soul, and to , this has always been enough.

  the rontics would call this a love story, the ics would call it a tragedy. innd its a little bit of both, and no tter how you choose to view it in the end, it does not ge the fact that it involves a great deal oflife and the path ive chosen to follow. i have no plaints aboutpath and the places it has taken ; enough plaints to fill a circus tent about other things, ybe, but the path ive chosen has always been the right one, and i wouldnt have had it any other way.

  ti, unfortunately, doesnt ke it easy to stay ourse. the path is straight as ever, but now it is strewn with the rocks and gravel that aulate over a lifeti. until three years ago it would have been easy to ignore, but its iossible now. there is a siess rolling throughbody;&a;a;lt;dfn&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/dfn&a;a;gt; iher strong nor healthy, anddays are spent like an old party balloon: listless, spongy, and growing softer over ti.

  ugh, and through squinted eyes i checkwatch. i realize it is ti to go.

  i stand fro seat by the window and shuffle across the roo stopping at the desk to pick up t&a;a;lt;df&a;a;lt;/dfebook i have read a huis. i do not glahrough it.

  instead i slip it beharand tinue onway to the place i st go.

  i walk on tiled floors, white ilor and speckled with gray. likehair and the hair of st people here, though ithe only one in the hallway thisthey are in their roo, alone except for television, but they, like , are used to it.

  a personget used to anything, if given enough ti.

  i hear the ffled soundsin the distand kly who is king those sounds. then the nurses seeand we sle at each other and exge greetings.

  they arefriends aalk often, but i asure they wonder aboutand the things that i gh every day. i listen as they begin to whisper ang theelves as i pass.

  &a;a;a;quot;there he goes again,&a;a;a;quot; i hear, &a;a;a;quot;i hope it turns out well.&a;a;a;quot; but they say nothing directly toabout it. isure they think it would hurtto talk about it so early in theand knowing self as i do, i think theyre probably right.

  a er, i reach the roo the door has been propped open for , as it usually is. there are two others in the roo and they too sle atas i enter.

  &a;a;a;quot;good &a;a;a;quot; they say with cheery voices, and i take a nt to ask about the kids and the schools and uping vacations. we talk above the g for a nute or so. they do not seeto notice; they have bee nu to it, but then again, so have i.

  afterward i sit in the chair that has e to be shaped like . they are finishing up now; her clothes are on, but still she is g. it will bee quieter after they leave, i know. the excitent of the always upsets her, and today is no exception. finally the shade is opened and the nurses walk out. both of thetouchand sle as they walk by. i wonder what this ans.

  i sit for just a sed and stare at her, but she doesurn the look. i uand, for she doesnt know who i a ia strao her. then, turning away, i bowhead and pray silently for the strength i know i will need. i have always been a firbeliever in god and the power of prayer, though to be ho,faith has de for (bring forward) a list of questions i definitely want answered after igone.

  ready now. on go the glasses, out ofpocket es a gnifier. i put it oable for a nt while i opeebook. it takes two liy gnarled fio get the well-worver open to the first page. then i put the gnifier in place.

  there is always a nt right before i begin to read the story whennd s, and i wonder, will it happen today? i dont know, for i never know beforehand, and deep down it really doesnt tter. its the possibility that keepsgoing, not the guarantee, a sort of wager onpart. and though you y calla drear or fool or any other thing, i believe that anything is possible.

  i realize the odds, and sce, are against . but sce is not the total ahis i know, this i have learned inlifeti. and that leaveswith the belief that racles, no tter how inexplicable or unbelievable, are real andour withard to the natural order of things. so once again, just as i do every day, i begin to read the notebook aloud, so that shehear it, in the hope that the racle that has e to donatelife will once again prevail. and ybe, just ybe, it will.

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