御宅屋 > 其它小说 > The Notebook > Acknowledgments


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  this book is a work of fi. nas, characters, places &a;a;lt;bdo&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/bdo&a;a;gt;and is are either the product of the authors igination or are used fictitiously, and any reselao actual persons, living &a;a;lt;details&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/details&a;a;gt;or dead, events, or locales is eal.

  this book is dedicated with love to cathy,wife andfriend.


  this story is what it is today because of two special people, &a;a;lt;figure&a;a;gt;99lib?&a;a;lt;/figure&a;a;gt;and i would like to thank thefor everything theyve done.

  to there sa park, the agent who pluckedfroobscurity. thank you for your kindness, your patience, and the ny hours you have spent work&a;a;lt;ft;99lib?&a;a;lt;/f with . i will be forever grateful for everything youve done.

  to jae raab,editor. thank you for your wisdo your hur, and yood-hearted&a;a;lt;sa&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/sa&a;a;gt; nature. you de this a wonderful experiene, and iglad to call youfriend.

  百度搜索 the notebook或 the notebook 本站 即可找到本书最新章节.