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  the all-sweeping besoof societarian refortion -- your only dern alcides club to rid the ti of its abuses -- is uplift with ny-handed sway to extirpate the last fluttering tatters of the bugbear mendicity frothe tropolis. scrips, wallets, bags -- staves, dogs, and crutches &a;a;lt;big&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/big&a;a;gt;-- the whole ndit fraternity with all their baggage are fast posting out of the purlieus of this eleventh persecution. frothe crowded crossing, frothe ers of streets and turnings of allies, the parting genius of beggary is &a;a;a;quot;with sighi.&a;a;a;quot;

  i do not approve of this wholesale going to work, this ierti crusado, or belluad externatione proclaid against a species. muight be sucked frothese beggars.

  they were the oldest and the honourablest forof pauperis their appeals were to our on nature; less revolting to an ingenuous nd than to be a suppliant to the particular huurs or caprice of any fellow-creature, or set of fellow-creatures, parochial or societarian. theirs were the only rates uninvidious in the levy, ungrudged in the assessnt.

  there was a dignity springing frothe very depth of their desolation; as to be naked is to be so earer to the being a n, than to go in livery.

  the greatest spirits have felt this in their reverses; and when dionysius froking turned saster, do we feel any thing towards hibut pt? could vandyke have de a picture of hi swaying a ferula for a sceptre, which would have affected our nds with the sa heroic pity, the sa passionate adration, with whic&a;a;lt;bdo&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/bdo&a;a;gt;h we regard his belisarius begging for an obolu would the ral have been aceful, re pathetic?

  the blind beggar in the legend -- the father of pretty bessy -- whose story doggrel rhys and ale-house signs ot so degrade nor attenuate, but that so sparks of a lustrous spirit will shihrough the disguisents -- this noble earl of wall (as indeed he was) and rable sport of fortune, fleeing frothe unjust sentence of his liege lord, stript of all, aed on the fl green of bethnal, with his re fresh and springing daughter by his side, illuning his rags and his beggary -- would the child and parent have cut a better figure, doing the honours of a ter, or expiating their fallen dition upohree-foot enence of so sestering shop-board?

  in tale or histar is ever the just antipode to your king. the poets and roncical writers (as dear margaret newcastle would call the when they would st sharply and feelingly paint a reverse of fortune, op till they have brought down their hero in good ears and the wallet. the depth of the dest illustrates the height he falls fro there is no diuwhibsp; be preseo the igination without offehere is no breaking the fall. lear, thrown frohis palace, st divest hiof his garnts, till he answer &a;a;a;quot;re nature;&a;a;a;quot; and cresseid, fallen froa princes love, st extend her pale ar, pale with other whitehan of beauty, supplig lazar al with bell and clap-dish.

  the lu wits khis very well; and, with a verse policy, when they would express s of greatness without the pity, they show us an alexander in the shadebbling shoes, or a seras getting up foul linen.

  how would it sound in song, that a great narch had deed his affes upon the daughter of a baker! yet do we feel the igination at all violated when we read the &a;a;a;quot;true ballad,&a;a;a;quot; where king cophetua wooes the beggar id?

  pauperis pauper, poor n, are expressions of pity, but pity alloyed with pt. no one properly ns a beggar. poverty is a parative thing, and each degree of it is cked by its &a;a;a;quot;neighbrice.&a;a;a;quot; its poor rents and ings-in are soon sued up and told. its preteo property are alst ludicrous. its pitiful attets to save excite a sle. every sful panionweigh his trifle-bigger purse against it. poor n reproaches poor s with iolitition of his dition, his own being a shade better, while the rich pass by and jeer at both. no rascally parative insults a beggar, or thinks of weighing purses with hi he is not in the scale of parison. he is not uhe asure of property. he fessedly hath none, any re than a dog or a sheep. no owitteth hiwith ostentation above his ans. no one auses hiof pride, or upbraideth hiwith ck hulity. none jostle with hifor the wall, or pick quarrels for preo wealthy neighbour seeketh to eject hifrohis te. no n sues hi no o law with hi if i were not the indepe gentlen that i a rather than i would be a retaio the great, a led captain, or a poor relation, i would choose, out of the delicad true greatness ofnd, to be a beggar.

  rags, which are the reproach of poverty, are the beggars robes, and graceful insignia of his profession, his tenure, his full dress, the suit in which he is expected to show hielf in public. he is never out of the fashion, or lieth awkwardly behind it. he is not required to put ourthe weareth allours, fearing none. his e hath undergone less ge than the quakers. he is the only n in the universe who is not obliged to study appearahe ups and downs of the worldhino longer. he aloih iay. the price of stock or land affecteth hinot. the fluctuations of agricultural or ercial prosperity touch hinot, or at worst but ge his ers. he is not expected to bee bail or surety for any one. no n troubleth hiwith questioning his religion or politics. he is the only free n in the universe.

  the mendits of this great city were so ny of her sights, her lions. i o re spare then, than uld the cries of london. no er of a street is plete without the they are as indispensable as the ballad singer; and in their picturesque attire as oral as the signs of old london. they were the standing rals, ele, ntos, dial-ttos, the spital serns, the books for children, the salutary checks and pauses to the high and rushing tide of greasy citizenry -

  --- look

  upon that poor and broken bankrupt there.

  above all, those old blind tobits that used to lihe wall of lins inn garden, before dern fastidiousness had expelled the casting up their ruined orbs to catch a ray of pity, and (if possible) of light, with their faithful dog guide at their feet, -- whither are they fled? or into what ers, blind as theelves, have they been driven, out of the wholeso air and sun-warh? iersed between four walls, in what withering poor-house do they ehe penalty of double darkness, where the k of the dropt halfpenny no re soles their forlorn bereavent, far frothe sound of the cheerful and hope-stirring tread of the passenger? where hang their useless staves? and who will fartheir dogs have the overseers of st. l --- caused theto be shot? or were they tied up in sacks, and dropt into the thas, at the suggestion of b--- , the ld rector of -- -?

  well fare the soul of unfastidious vi bourne, st classical, and at the sa ti, st english, of the latinists -- who has treated of this hun and quadrupedal alliahis dog and n friendship, in the sweetest of his poe, the epitaphiuin e or, dogs epitaph. reader, peruse it; and say, if ary sights, whiculd call up such gentle poetry as this, were of a nature to do re harood to the ral sense of the passengers &a;a;lt;bdi&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/bdi&a;a;gt;through the daily thhfares of a vast and busy tropolis.

  pauperis hic iri requi lyciscus, he99lib?rilis,

  duvixi, tutela vigil enque seae,

  dux c fidus: nec,dute, solebat,

  praetenso hinc atque hinc baculo, per iniqua lo

  iaexplorare via sed fila secutus,

  quae dubierent passus, vestigia tuta

  fixit inoffenso gressu; geliduue sedile

  in nudo nactus saxo, qua praetereuntiubr />

  unda frequens fluxit, ibi serisque tenebras

  lantis, nocteue oculis ploravit oborta

  ploravit nec frustra; oboludedit alter et alter,

  queirda et ntei natura benigna

  ad latus interea jacui sopitus herile,

  vel diis vigil in sois; ad herilia jussa

  auresque atque aniarrectus, seu frustula ace

  porrexit sociasque dapes, seu longa diei

  taedia perpessus, reditusub nocte parabat.

  hi res, haec vita fuit, dufata si,

  duneque languebarbis, e sea;

  quae tandeobrepsit, veterique satellite cascubr />

  orbavit donuprisci sed gratia facti

  a i, longos deleta per annos,

  exiguuhunc irus tulude cespite fecit,

  etsi inopis, non ingratae, nuscula dextrae;

  carne signavitque brevi, donuue eue

  quod ret, fiduue edonuue benignu

  poor irus faithful wolf-dog here i lie,

  that wont to tend a;lt;bdo&a;a;gt;..&a;a;lt;/bdo&a;a;gt;y old blind sters steps,

  his guide and guard: nor, whileservice lasted,

  had he oasion for that staff, with which

  he now goes pig out his path in fear

  over the highways and crossings; but would plant,

  safe in the duy friendly string,

  a firfoot forward still, till he had reachd

  his poor seat on so stone, nigh where the tide

  of passers by in thickest fluence flowd:

  to whowith loud and passionate lants

  frorn to eve his dark estate he waild.

  nor waild to all in vain: so here and there,

  the well-disposed and good, their pennies gave.

  i a his feet obsequious slept;

  not all-asleep in sleep, hut heart and ear

  prickd up at his least tion; to receive

  at his kind handary cru,

  and on portion in his feast of scraps;

  or when night warnd us howard, tired and spent

  with our long day and tedious beggary.

  these werenners, thisway of life,

  till age and slow diseaseovertook,

  and severd fro sightless sters side.

  but lest the grace of so good deeds should die,

  through tract of years in te oblivion lost,

  this sleo of turf hath irus reared,

  cheapof no ungrudging hand,

  and with short verse inscribed it, to attest,

  in long and lasting union to attest,

  the virtues of the beggar and his dog.

  these dieyes have in vain explored for so nths past a well-known figure, or part of the figure, of a n, who used to glide his ely upper half over the pavents of london, wheeling along with st ingenious celerity upon a e of wood; a spectacle to natives, tners, and to children. he was of a robust ke, with a florid sailor-like plexion, and his head was bare to the storand sunshine. he was a natural curiosity, a speculation to the stific, a prodigy to the sile. the infant would stare at the ghty n brought down to his own level. the on cripple would despise his own pusillanity, viewing the hale stoutness, ay heart, of this half-lied giant. few but st have noticed hi for the act, which brought hilow, took place during the riots of 1780, and he has been a groundling so long. he seed earth-born, an anteus, and to su fresh vigour frothe soil which he neighboured. he was a grand fragnt; as good as an elgin rble. the nature, which should have recruited his reft legs and thighs, was not lost, but only retired into his upper parts, and he was half a hercules. i heard a trendous voice thundering and growling, as before ahquake, and casting downeyes, it was this ndrake reviling a steed that had started at his portentous appearance. he seed to want but his just stature to have rent the offending quadruped in shivers. he was as the n-part of a taur, frowhich the horse-half had been cloven in so dire lapithan troversy. he ved on, as if huld have de shift with yet half of the body- portion which was left hi the os subli was not wanting; ahrew out yet a jolly tenance upon the heavens. forty-and-two years had he driven this out of door trade, and now that his hair is grizzled in the service, but his good spirits no way iaired, because he is not tent to exge his free air and exercise for the restraints of a poor-house, he is expiating his a one of those houses (ironically christened) of corre.

  was a daily spectacle like this to be deed a nuisance, which called fal interfereo reve? or not rather a salutary and a toug object, to the passers-by in a great city? -- ang her shows, her seu, and supplies for ever-gaping curiosity (and what else but an aulation of sights -- endless sights -- is a great city; or for what else is it desirable?) was there not roofor one lusus (not naturae, indeed, but) actiu what if in forty-and-two years going about, the n had scraped together enough to give a portion to his child (as the ruur ran) of a few hundreds -- whohad he injured ? -- whohad he iosed upon? the tributors had eheir sight for their pennies. what if after being exposed all day to the heats, the rains, and the frosts of heaven -- shuffling his ungainly trunk along in an elaborate and painful tion -- he was eo retire at night to enjoy hielf at a club of his fellow cripples over a dish of hot at aables, as the charge was gravely brought against hiby a clergyn deposing before a house of ons ittee -- was this, or was his truly paternal sideration, which (if a fact) deserved a statue rather than a whipping-post, and is insistent at least with the exaggeration of noal ies which he has been slandered with -- a reason that he should be deprived of his chosen, haress, nay edifying, way of life, aed in he for a sturdy vagabond? --

  there was a yorice, whoit would not have shad to have sate down at the cripples feast, and to have thrown in his beion, ay, and his te too, for a panionable syol. &a;a;a;quot;age, thou hast lost thy breed.&a;a;a;quot; -

  half of these stories about the prodigious fortunes de by begging are (i verily believe) sers caluies. one was ch talked of in the public papers so ti since, and the usual charitable inferences deduced. a clerk in the bank was surprised with the annou of a five hundred pound legacy left hiby a person whose na he was a strao. it see that in his daily walks fropeckha(or so village thereabouts) where he lived, to his office, it had been his practice for the last twenty years to drop his halfpenny duly into the hat of so blind bartius, that sate begging al by the way-side in the bh. the good old beggar reised his daily beor by the voily; and, when be died, left all the assings of his al (that [p 120] had been half a tury perhaps in the aulating) to his old bank friend. was this a story to purse up peoples hearts, and pennies, against giving an ai to the blind ? -- or not rather a beautiful ral of well-directed charity on the one part, and noble gratitude upoher?

  i sotis wish i had been that bank clerk.

  i seeto reer a poor old grateful kind of creature, blinking, and looking up with his no eyes in the sun --

  is it possible uld have steeledpurse against hi

  perhaps i had no sll ge.

  reader, do not be frighte the hard words, iosition, iosture -- give, and ask no questions. cast thy bread upoers. so have unawares (like this bank clerk) eained angels.

  shut not thy purse-strings always against painted distress. act a charity sotis. when a poor creature (outwardly and visibly such) es before thee, do not stay to inquire whether the &a;a;a;quot;seven sll children,&a;a;a;quot; in whose na he ilores thy assistance, have a veritable existence. rake not into the bowels of uruth, to save a halfpenny. it is good to believe hi if he be not all that he preteh, give, and under a persoher of a faly, think (if thou pleasest) that thou hast relieved an i bachelor. when they e with their terfeit looks, and ing tohink theplayers. you pay your o see a edian feighings, which, ing these poor people, thou st not certainly tell whether they are feigned or not.

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