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  how they left the island

  &a;a;a;quot;and so,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin (for, as you have realized, it was he who had beentelling all this story to the four children, sitting on the grass in the ruined hall ofcair paravel) - &a;a;a;quot;and so i put a crust or two inpocket, left behind all ons but dagger, and took to the woods in the grey of theid been plugging away forny hours when there ca a sound that id never heard the like of inborn days.eh, i wohat. the whole air was full of it, loud as thunder but far longer, &a;nbsol and sweet as sic over water, but strong enough to shake the woods. and i said toself, `if thats not the horn, calla rabbit. and a nt later i wondered why hehadnt blown it sooner-”

  &a;a;a;quot;what ti was it?&a;a;a;quot; asked ednd.

  &a;a;a;quot;between nine and ten of the clock,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin.

  &a;a;a;quot;just when we were at the railway station!&a;a;a;quot; said all the children, andlooked at one another with shining eyes.

  &a;a;a;quot;please go on,&a;a;a;quot; said lucy to the dwarf.

  &a;a;a;quot;well, as i was saying, i wondered, but i went on as hard as uld pelt.i kept on all night - and then, when it was half light thisas if id no resehan a giant, i risked a short cut across open try to cut off a big loop of theriver, and was caught.

  not by the ar, but by a poous old fool who has charge of a littlecastle which is mirazs last stronghold towards thast. itell you they got notrue tale out of , but i was a dwarf and that was enough. but, lobsters and lollipops! itis a good thing the seneschal oous fool. anyone else would have ruhroughthere and then. but nothing would do for hishort of a grand execution: sending down `to the ghosts in the full cerenial way. and then this young lady&a;a;a;quot;, (he susan) &a;a;a;quot;does her bit of archery and it retty shooting, lettell you - and herewe are. and withoutarur, for ourse they took that.&a;a;a;quot; he knocked out andrefilled his pipe.

  &a;a;a;quot;greattt!&a;a;a;quot; said peter. &a;a;a;quot;so it was the horn - your own horn, su - thatdragged us all off that seat on the platforyesterdayihardly believe it; yetit all fits in.”

  &a;a;a;quot;i dont know why you shouldnt believe it,&a;a;a;quot; said lucy, &a;a;a;quot;if you believe ingic at all.

  arent there lots of stories about gic f people out of one place -out of one world - into another? i an, when a gi in the arabian nights calls up ajinn, it has to e. we had to e, just like that.”

  &a;a;a;quot;yes,&a;a;a;quot; said peter, &a;a;a;quot;i suppose what kes it feel so queer is that iories its always soone in our world who does the calling. one doesnt really think aboutwhere the jinns ing fro”

  &a;a;a;quot;and now we know what it feels like for the jinn,&a;a;a;quot; said ednd with achuckle. &a;a;a;quot;golly!

  its a bit unfortable to know that webe whistled for like that.its worse than what father says about living at the rcy of the telephone.”

  &a;a;a;quot;but we want to be here, dont ;quot; said lucy, &a;a;a;quot;if aslan wants us?”

  &a;a;a;quot;meanwhile,&a;a;a;quot; said the dwarf, &a;a;a;quot;what are we to do? i suppose id better goback to king caspian and tell hino help has e.”

  &a;a;a;quot;no help?&a;a;a;quot; said susan. &a;a;a;quot;but it has worked. and here we are.”

  &a;a;a;quot;u- u- yes, to be sure. i see that,&a;a;a;quot; said the dwarf, whose pipe seedto be blocked (at any rate he de hielf very busy ing it). &a;a;a;quot;but- well - i an -”

  &a;a;a;quot;but dont you yet see who we are?&a;a;a;quot; shouted lucy. &a;a;a;quot;you are stupid.”

  &a;a;a;quot;i suppose you are the four children out of the old stories,&a;a;a;quot; saidtrukin. &a;a;a;quot;and ivery glad to et you ourse. and its very iing, no doubt. but - nooffence?- and he hesitated again.

  &a;a;a;quot;do get on and say whatever yoing to say,&a;a;a;quot; said ednd.

  &a;a;a;quot;well, then - no offence,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;a;quot;but, you know, the king andtrufflehunter and doctor elius were expeg - well, if you see what i an, help.to put it in another way, i think theyd been igining you as great warriors. as it is- were awfully fond of children and all that, but just at the nt, in the ddle of awar but isure you uand.”

  &a;a;a;quot;you an you think were no good,&a;a;a;quot; said ednd, getting red in the face.

  &a;a;a;quot;now pray dont be offended,&a;a;a;quot; interrupted the dwarf. &a;a;a;quot;i assure you,dearlittle friends-”

  &a;a;a;quot;little froyou is really a bit too ch,&a;a;a;quot; said ednd, juing up. &a;a;a;quot;isuppose you dont believe we wotle of beruna? well, yousay what you like about because i know -”

  &a;a;a;quot;theres no good losing our teers,&a;a;a;quot; said peter. &a;a;a;quot;lets fit hiout withfresh arur and fit ourselves out frothe treasure chaer, and have a talk after that.”

  &a;a;a;quot;i dont quite see the point -&a;a;a;quot; began ednd, but lucy whispered in hisear, &a;a;a;quot;hadter do eter says? he is the high king, you know. and i think hehas an idea.”

  so ednd agreed and by the aid of his torch they all, including trukin,went doweps again into the dark ess and dusty splendour of the treasurehouse.

  the dwarfs eyes glistened as he saw the wealth that lay on the shelves(though he had to stand on tiptoes to do so) atered to hielf, &a;a;a;quot;it would never doto let nikabrik see this; never.&a;a;a;quot; they found easily enough a il shirt for hi a sword, ahelt, a shield, a bow and quiverful of arrows, all of dwarfish size. the helt wasopper, set with rubies, and there was gold on the hilt of the sword: trukin hadnever seen, ch less carried, so ch wealth in all his life. the children also put on ilshirts as; a sword and shield were found for ednd and a bow for lucy -peter and susan were ourse already carrying their gifts. as they ca back up thestairway, jingling in their il, and already looking and feeling re like narniansand less like schoolchildren, the two boys were behind, apparently king so plan. lubsp; heard ednd say, &a;a;a;quot;no, letdo it. it will be re of a sucks for hiif i win,and less of a let-down for us all if i fail.”

  &a;a;a;quot;all right, ed,&a;a;a;quot; said peter.

  when they ca out into the daylight ednd turo the dwarf verypolitely and said, &a;a;a;quot;ive got sothing to ask you. kids like us dont often have the eeting a great warrior like you. would you have a little feng tch with ? itwould be frightfully det.”

  &a;a;a;quot;but, lad,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin, &a;a;a;quot;these swords are sharp.”

  &a;a;a;quot;i kno;quot; said ednd. &a;a;a;quot;but ill never get anywhere near you and youll bequite clever enough to disar without doingany dage.”

  &a;a;a;quot;its a dangerous ga,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;a;quot;but sinake such a point ofit, ill try a pass or two.”

  both swords were out in a nt and the three others jued off the daisand stood watg. it was well worth it. it was not like the silly fighting you seewith broad swords oage. it was not even like the rapier fighting which you sotissee rather better dohis was real broad-sword fighting. the great thing is toslash at your enes legs a because they are the part that have no arur. andwhen he slashes at yours you ju with both feet off the ground so that his blow goes uhe this gave the dwarf an advantage because ednd, being ch taller, had to bealways stooping. i dont think ednd would have had a ce if he had foughttrukiy-four hours earlier. but the air of narnia had been w upon hinbsp; ever sihey arrived on the island, and all his old battles ca ba, andhis ar and fingers reered their old skill. he was king ednd once re. round andround the two batants circled, stroke after stroke they gave, and susan (whoneveuld learn to like this sort of thing) shouted out, &a;a;a;quot;oh, do be careful.&a;a;a;quot; andthen, so quickly that no one (uhey ker diduld quite see how it happened,ednd flashed his sword round with a peculiar twist, the dwarfs sword flew out of hisgrip, and trukin was wringing his ety hand as you do after a &a;a;a;quot;sting&a;a;a;quot; froacricket-bat.

  &a;a;a;quot;not hurt, i hope,dear little friend?&a;a;a;quot; said ednd, panting a littleaurning his own sword to its sheath.

  &a;a;a;quot;i see the point,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin drily. &a;a;a;quot;you know a trick i never learned.”

  &a;a;a;quot;thats quite true,&a;a;a;quot; put ier. &a;a;a;quot;the best swordsn in the world y bedisard by a trick thats o hi i think its only fair to give trukin a bsp; at sothing else.

  will you have a shooting tch withsister? there are no tricks inarchery, you know.”

  &a;a;a;quot;ah, youre jokers, you are,&a;a;a;quot; said the dwarf. &a;a;a;quot;i begin to see. as if ididnt know how sheshoot, after what happehisall the sa, ill have atry.&a;a;a;quot; he spoke gruffly, but his eyes brightened, for he was a faus bown ang his ownpeople.

  all five of theca out into thurtyard.

  &a;a;a;quot;whats to be the target?&a;a;a;quot; asked peter.

  &a;a;a;quot;i think that apple hanging over the wall on the branch there would do,&a;a;a;quot;said susan.

  &a;a;a;quot;thatll do nicely, lass,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;a;quot;you an the yellow oheddle of the arch?”

  &a;a;a;quot;no, not that,&a;a;a;quot; said susan. &a;a;a;quot;the red one up above - over the battlent.”

  the dwarfs face fell. &a;a;a;quot;looks re like a cherry than an apple,&a;a;a;quot; hettered, but he said nothing out loud.

  they tossed up for first shot (greatly to the i of trukin, who hadnever seen atos&a;a;lt;tt&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/tt&a;a;gt;sed before) and susan lost. they were to shoot frothe top of thesteps that led frothe hall into thurtyard. everyonuld see frothe way the dwarftook his position and handled his bow that he knew what he was about.

  twahe string. it was an excellent shot. the tiny apple shook asthe arrow passed, and a leaf ca fluttering down. then susao the top of thesteps and strung her bow. she was not enjoying her tch half so ch as ednd hadenjoyed his; not because she had any doubt about hitting the apple but becausesusan was so tenderhearted that she alst hated to beat soone who had beeenalready. the dwarf watched her keenly as she drew the shaft to her ear. a nt later,with a little soft thu which theuld all hear in that quiet place, the apple fell tothe grass with susans arrow in it.

  &a;a;a;quot;oh, well done, su, &a;a;a;quot; shouted the other children.

  &a;a;a;quot;it wasnt really aer than yours,&a;a;a;quot; said susan to the dwarf. &a;a;a;quot;i thinkthere was a tiny breath of wind as you shot.”

  &a;a;a;quot;no, there wasnt,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;a;quot;dont tell . i know when i afairlybeaten. i wont even say that the sy last wound catchesa bit when i get arwell back -”

  &a;a;a;quot;oh, are you wounded?&a;a;a;quot; asked lucy. &a;a;a;quot;do letlook.”

  &a;a;a;quot;its not a sight for little girls,&a;a;a;quot; began trukin, but then he suddenlychecked hielf.

  &a;a;a;quot;there i go talking like a fool again,&a;a;a;quot; he said &a;a;a;quot;i suppose youre as likelyto be a great surgeon as your brother was to be a great swordsn or your sister to be agreat archer.”

  he sat down oeps and took off his hauberk and slipped down hislittle shirt, showing an arhairy and scular (in proportion) as a sailors though notch bigger than a childs. there was a cluy bandage on the shoulder which lubsp; proceeded to unroll. underh, the cut looked very nasty and there was a good deal ofswelling. &a;a;a;quot;oh, poor trukin,&a;a;a;quot; said lucy. &a;a;a;quot;how horrid.&a;a;a;quot; then she carefully dripped on toit one single drop of thrdial froher flask.

  &a;a;a;quot;hullo. eh? what have you done?&a;a;a;quot; said trukin. but however he turned hishead and squinted and whisked his beard to and fro, huldnt quite see his ownshoulder. then he felt it as well as huld, getting his ar and fingers into verydifficult positions as you do when youre trying to scratch a place that is just out of reabsp; then he swung his arand raised it and tried the scles, and finally jued to his feetg, &a;a;a;quot;giants and junipers! its cured! its as good as ne;quot; after that he burst into agreat laugh and said, &a;a;a;quot;well, ive de as big a fool of self as ever a dwarf did. no offence, ihope? my hule duty to your majesties all -hule duty. and thanks f&a;a;lt;cite&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/cite&a;a;gt;orlife, cure,breakfast - andlesson.”

  the children all said it was quite all right and not to ntion it.

  &a;a;a;quot;and no;quot; said peter, &a;a;a;quot;if youve really decided to believe in us-”

  &a;a;a;quot;i have,&a;a;a;quot; said the dwarf.

  &a;a;a;quot;its quite clear what we have to do. we st join king caspian at once.”

  &a;a;a;quot;the soohe better,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;a;quot;my being such a fool has alreadywasted about an hour.”

  &a;a;a;quot;its about two days jourhe way you ca,&a;a;a;quot; said peter. &a;a;a;quot;for us, ia walk all day and night like you dwarfs.&a;a;a;quot; theuro the others.&a;a;a;quot;what trukin calls aslans how is obviously the stoable itself. you reer it wasabout half a days rch, or a little less, frothere down to the fords of beruna -”

  &a;a;a;quot;berunas bridge, we call it,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin.

  &a;a;a;quot;there was ne in our ti,&a;a;a;quot; said peter. &a;a;a;quot;and then froberuna downto here was another day and a bit. we used to get ho about teati on the sed day,going easily. going hard, wuld do the whole thing in a day and a halfperhaps.”

  &a;a;a;quot;but reer its all woods no;quot; said trukin, &a;a;a;quot;and there are eododge.”

  &a;a;a;quot;look here,&a;a;a;quot; said ednd, &a;a;a;quot;need we go by the sa way that our dear littlefriend ca?”

  &a;a;a;quot;no re of that, your majesty, if you love ,&a;a;a;quot; said the dwarf.

  &a;a;a;quot;very well,&a;a;a;quot; said ednd. &a;a;a;quot;may i say our d.l.f.?”

  &a;a;a;quot;oh, ednd,&a;a;a;quot; said susan. &a;a;a;quot;dont keep on at hilike that.”

  &a;a;a;quot;thats all right, lass - i an your majesty,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin with achuckle. &a;a;a;quot;a jibe wont raise a blister.&a;a;a;quot; (and after that they often called hithe d.l.f. tilltheyd alst fotten what it ant.)

  &a;a;a;quot;as i was saying,&a;a;a;quot; tinued ednd, &a;a;a;quot;wego that way. why shouldntwe row a little south till we e to glasswater creek and row up it? that brings usup behind the hill of the stoable, and well be safe while were at sea. if we startat once, webe at the head of glasswater before dark, get a few hours sleep, ahcaspiay early torrow.”

  &a;a;a;quot;what a thing it is to know thast,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;a;quot;none of us knowanything about glasswater.”

  &a;a;a;quot;what about food?&a;a;a;quot; asked susan.

  &a;a;a;quot;oh, well have to do with apples,&a;a;a;quot; said lucy. &a;a;a;quot;do lets get on. weve donenothi, and weve been here nearly two days.”

  &a;a;a;quot;and anyway, no ones going to havehat for a fishbasket again,&a;a;a;quot; saidednd.

  they used one of the raats as a kind of bag and put a good ny applesin it. then they all had a good long drink at the well (for they would et no refresh water till they la the head of the creek) a down to the boat. thechildren were sorry to leave cair paravel, which, even in ruins, had begun to feel like hoagain.

  &a;a;a;quot;the d.l.f. had better steer,&a;a;a;quot; said peter, &a;a;a;quot;and ed and i will take an oareach. half a nt, though. wed better take off our il: were going to be prettywarbefore were dohe girls had better be&a;a;lt;bdo&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/bdo&a;a;gt; in the bows and shout dires to thed.l.f. because he doesnt know the way. youd better get us a fair way out to sea tillweve passed the island.”

  and soon the green, woodeast of the island was falling away behindthe and its little bays and headlands were beginning to look flatter, and the boat wasrising and falling in the gentle swell. the sea began to grow bigger around theand,in the distance, bluer, but close round the boat it was green and bubbly.everything slled salt and there was no noise except the swishing of water and the clop-clop ofwater against the sides and the splash of the oars and the jolting noise of the rowlocks.the sun grew hot.

  it was delightful for lud susan in the bows, bending over the edge andtrying to get their hands in the sea which theuld never quite reach. the bottostly pure, pale sand but with oasional patches of purple seaweeduld be seehthe

  &a;a;a;quot;its like old tis,&a;a;a;quot; said lucy. &a;a;a;quot;do you reer our voyage toterebinthia - and gal - and seven isles - and the lone islands?”

  &a;a;a;quot;yes,&a;a;a;quot; said susan, &a;a;a;quot;a ship the splendour hyaline, with theswans head at her prow andbbr&a;a;gt;99lib?&a;a;lt;/abbr&a;a;gt; the carved swans wings ing back alst to her waist?”

  &a;a;a;quot;and the silken sails, and the great stern lanterns?”

  &a;a;a;quot;and the feasts on the poop and the sis.”

  &a;a;a;quot;do you reer when we had the sis up in the rigging playing flutesso that it sounded like sic out of the sky?”

  presently susan took over ednds oar and he ca forward to join lubsp; they had passed the island now and stood closer in to the shore - all wooded anddeserted. they would have thought it very pretty if they had not reered the ti whenit en and breezy and full of rry friends.

  &a;a;a;quot;phew! this is pretty gruelling work,&a;a;a;quot; said peter. &a;a;a;quot;t i row for a bit?&a;a;a;quot;said lucy. &a;a;a;quot;the oars are too big for you,&a;a;a;quot; said peter shortly, not because he was cross butbecause he had nth to spare for talking.

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