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  the people that lived in hidingnow began the happiest tis that caspian had ever known. on a fine suerwhen the dew lay on the grass he set off with the badger and the twodwarfs, up through the forest to a high saddle in the untains and down on to their sunnysouthern &a;a;lt;rk&a;a;gt;99lib?&a;a;lt;/rk&a;a;gt;slopes where one looked across the green wolds of arland.

  &a;a;a;quot;we will go first to the three bulgy bears,&a;a;a;quot; said trukin.

  they ca in a glade to an old hollow oak trevered with ss, andtrufflehuapped with his paw three tis orunk and there was no aheapped again and a woolly sort of voice froinside said, &a;a;a;quot;go away. its not tito get up yet.”

  but ed the third ti there was a noise like a sll earthquakefroinside and a sort of door opened and out ca three brown bears, very bulgy indeedand blinking their little eyes. and whehing had been explaio thenbsp; (which took a long ti because they were so sleepy) they said, just as trufflehunter hadsaid, that a son of adaought to be king of narnia and all kissed caspian - very wet,snuffly kisses they were - and offered hiso honey. caspian did not really want honey,without bread, at that ti in thebut he thought it polite to aept. ittook hia long ti afterwards to get unsticky.

  after that they went on till they ca ang tall beech trees andtrufflehunter called out, &a;a;a;quot;pattertwig! pattertwig! pattertwig!&a;a;a;quot; and alst at once, bounding downfrobranch to branch till he was just above their heads, ca the st gnifit redsquirrel that caspian had ever seen. he was far bigger than the ordinary du squirrelswhich he had sotis seen in the castle gardens; indeed he was nearly the size of aterrier and the nt you looked in his face you saw that huld talk. ihedifficulty was to get hito stop talking, for, like all squirrels, he was a chatterer. heweled caspian at ond asked if he would like a nut and caspian said thanks, he would.but as pattertwig went bounding away to fetch it, trufflehunter whispered incaspians ear, &a;a;a;quot;dont look. look the other way. its very bad nners ang squirrels towatyone going to his store or to look as if you wao know where it was.&a;a;a;quot; thenpattertwig ca back with the nut and caspia and after that pattertwig askedif huld take any ssages to other friends. &a;a;a;quot;for igo nearly everywhere withoutsetting foot to ground,&a;a;a;quot; he said. trufflehunter and the dwarfs thought this a very goodidea and gave pattertwig ssages to all sorts of people with queer elling thenbsp; all to e to a

  feast and cil on dang lawn at dnight three nights ahead. &a;a;a;quot;andyoud better tell the three bulgies too,&a;a;a;quot; added trukin. &a;a;a;quot;we fot to ntion it to the”

  theirvisit was to the seven brothers of shuddering wood. trukihe way back to the saddle and then dowward on the northern slope of theuntains till they ca to a very sole place ang rocks and fir trees. they went veryquietly and presently caspiauld feel the ground shake under his feet as if soonewere haering down below. trukio a flat stone about the size of thetop of a water-butt, and staed on it with his foot. after a long pause it wasved away by soone or sothing underh, and there was a dark, round hole with agood deal of heat and steaing out of it and in the ddle of the hole the head of adwarf very like trukin hielf. there was a long talk here and the dwarf seed resuspicious than the squirrel or the bulgy bears had been, but in the end the wholeparty were io e down. caspian found hielf desding a dark stairway into theearth, but when he ca to the bottohe saw firelight. it was the light of a furhe whole place was a sthy. a subterranean strearan past on one side of it. twodwarfs were at the bellows, another was holding a piece of red-hot tal on the anvil witha pair of tongs, a fourth was haering it, and two, wiping their horny little handson a greasy cloth, were ing forward to et the visitors. it took so ti tosatisfy thethat caspian was a friend and not an ene, but when they did, they all cried,&a;a;a;quot;long live the king,&a;a;a;quot; and their gifts were noble - il shirts as and swords forcaspian and trukin and nikabrik. the badgeuld have had the sa if he had liked,but he said he was a beast, he was, and if his claws auld not keep his skinwhole, it wasnt worth keeping. the worknship of the ar was far fihan any caspianhad ever seen, and he gladly aepted the dwarf-de sword instead of his own, whibsp; looked, in parison, as feeble as a toy and as cluy as a stick. the seven brothers(who were all red dwarfs) prosed to e to the feast at dang lawn.

  a little farther on, in a dry, rocky ravihey reached the cave of fiveblack dwarfs.

  they looked suspiciously at caspian, but in the end the eldest of thenbsp; said, &a;a;a;quot;if he is against miraz, well have hifor king.&a;a;a;quot; and theoldest said, &a;a;a;quot;shallwe go farther up for you, up to the crags? theres an ogre or two and a hag that wuldintroduce you to, up there.”

  &a;a;a;quot;certainly not,&a;a;a;quot; said caspian.

  &a;a;a;quot;i should think not, indeed,&a;a;a;quot; said trufflehunter. &a;a;a;quot;we want none of thatsort on our side.”

  nikabrik disagreed with this, but trukin and the badger overruled hi itgave caspian a shock to realize that the horrible creatures out of the oldstories, as well as the nies, had so desdants in narnia still.

  &a;a;a;quot;we should not have aslan for friend if we brought in that rabble,&a;a;a;quot; saidtrufflehunter as they ca away frothe cave of the black dwarfs.

  &a;a;a;quot;oh, aslan!&a;a;a;quot; said trukin, cheerily but ptuously. &a;a;a;quot;what tters bsp; re is that you wouldnt have .”

  &a;a;a;quot;do you believe in aslan?&a;a;a;quot; said caspian to nikabrik.

  &a;a;a;quot;ill believe in anyone or anything,&a;a;a;quot; said nikabrik, &a;a;a;quot;thatll batter thesecursed telrine barbarians to pieces or drive theout of narnia. anyone or anything, aslanor the white witch, do you uand?”

  &a;a;a;quot;silence, silence,&a;a;a;quot; said trufflehunter. &a;a;a;quot;you do not know what you aresaying. she was a worse ehan miraz and all his race.”

  &a;a;a;quot;not to dwarfs, she wasnt,&a;a;a;quot; said nikabrik.

  theirvisit leasanter one. as they ca lower down, theuntains opened out into a great glen or wooded ge with a swift river running at thebotto the open plaear the rivers edge were a ss of foxgloves and wild roses andthe air was buzzing with bees. here trufflehunter called again, &a;a;a;quot;gleor&a;a;a;quot;and after a pause caspian heard the sound of hoofs. it grew louder till the valleytreled and at last, breaking and traling the thickets, there ca in sight the creatures that caspian had yet seen, the great taur glenstorand his three sons. his flankswere glossy chestnut and the beard thavered his broad chest was goldenred. he rophet and a star-gazer and knew what they had e about.

  &a;a;a;quot;long live the king,&a;a;a;quot; he cried. &a;a;a;quot;i andsons are ready for war. when isthe battle to be joined?”

  up till now her caspian nor the others had really been thinking of awar. they had so vague idea, perhaps, of an oasional raid on so hun fartead orof attag a party of hunters, if it veoo far into these southernwilds. but, in the in, they had thought only of living to theelves in woods and caves andbuilding up an attet at old narnia in hiding. as soon as glenstorhad spokeneveryo ch re serious.

  &a;a;a;quot;do you an a real war to drive miraz out of narnia?&a;a;a;quot; asked caspian.

  &a;a;a;quot;what else?&a;a;a;quot; said the taur. &a;a;a;quot;why else does your majesty go clad in iland girt with sword?”

  &a;a;a;quot;is it possible, glenstor&a;a;a;quot; said the badger.

  &a;a;a;quot;the ti is ripe,&a;a;a;quot; said glenstor &a;a;a;quot;i watch the skies, badger, for it iso watch, as it is yours to reer. tarva and alail have t in the halls of highheaven, and oh a son of adahas once re arisen to rule and he creatures.the hour has struck. our cil at the dang lawn st be a cil of war.&a;a;a;quot; he spokein such a voice that her caspian nor the others hesitated for a nt: it nowseed to thequite possible that they ght win a war and quite certain that they stwage one.

  as it was now past the ddle of the day, they rested with the taurs andate such food as the taurs provided cakes of oaten al, and apples, and herbs, andwine, and cheese.

  theplace they were to vbbr&a;a;gt;&a;a;lt;/abbr&a;a;gt;isit was quite near at hand, but they had togo a long way round in order to avoid a region in which men lived. it was well into theafternoon before they found theelves in level fields, warbetween hedgerows. theretrufflehunter called at the uth of a little hole in a green bank and out popped thelast thing caspian expected - a talking mouse. he was ourse bigger than a ouse,well over a foot high wheood on his hind legs, and with ears nearly as long as(though broader than) a rabbits. his na was reepicheep and he was a gay and rtialuse. he wore a tiny little rapier at his side and twirled his long whiskers as if theywere a ustache.

  &a;a;a;quot;there are twelve of us, sire,&a;a;a;quot; he said with a dashing and graceful bow,&a;a;a;quot;and i place all the resoury people unreservedly at your majestys disposal.&a;a;a;quot;caspian tried hard (and suessfully) not to laugh, but huldhinking thatreepicheep and all his peopluld very easily be put in a washing basket and carried ho onones back.

  it would take too long to ntion all the creatures whocaspiahatday - clodsley shovel the mole, the three hardbiters (who were badgers liketrufflehunter), callo the hare, and hogglestock the hedgehog. they rested at last beside a well atthe edge of a wide and level circle of grass, bordered with tall el whiow threwlong shadows across it, for the sun was setting, the daisies closing, and the rooksflying ho to bed.

  here they supped on food they had brought with theand trukin lit hispipe (nikabrik was not a sker).

  &a;a;a;quot;no;quot; said the badger, &a;a;a;quot;if only wuld wake the spirits of these treesand this well, we should have done a good days work.”

  &a;a;a;quot;t ;quot; said caspian.

  &a;a;a;quot;no,&a;a;a;quot; said trufflehunter. &a;a;a;quot;we have no power over the sihe hunsca into the land, felling forests and defiling strea, the dryads and naiads have sunkinto a deep sleep. who knows if ever they will stir again? and that is a great loss toour side. the telrines are horribly afraid of the woods, and ohe trees ved inanger, our enees would go d with fright and be chased out of narnia as quick astheir leguld carry the”

  &a;a;a;quot;what iginations you anils have!&a;a;a;quot; said trukin, who didnt believe insuch things. &a;a;a;quot;but why stop at trees and waters? wouldnt it be even nicer if thestoarted throwing theelves at old miraz?”

  the badger only gru this, and after that there was such a silehat caspian had nearly dropped off to sleep whehought he heard a faint sical soundfrothe depth of the woods at his back. thehought it was only a dreaandturned ain; but as soon as his ear touched the ground he felt or heard (it washard to tell which) a faiing or druing. he raised his head. the beatingonce

  beca fainter, but the sic returned, clearer this ti. it was likeflutes. he saw that trufflehunter was sitting up staring into the wood. the on was bright;caspian had been asleep lohahought. nearer and nearer ca the sic, atune wild a drea, and the noise of ny light feet, till at last, out frothewood into the onlight, ca dang shapes such as caspian had been thinking of all hislife. they were not ch taller than dwarfs, but far slighter and aceful. the&a;a;lt;bdi&a;a;gt;..&a;a;lt;/bdi&a;a;gt;ircurly heads had little horns, the upper part of their bodies glead naked in the palelight, but their legs a were those of goats.

  &a;a;a;quot;fauns!&a;a;a;quot; cried caspian, juing up, and in a nt they were all roundhi it took o no ti to explain the whole situation to theand they aeptedcaspian at once.

  before he knew what he was doing he found hielf joining in the darukin, with heavier and jerkier vents, did likewise and even trufflehunterhopped and luered about as best huld. only nikabrik stayed where he was, lookingon in silehe fauns footed it all round caspian to their reedy pipes. theirstrange faces, which seed urnful and rry al&a;a;lt;cite&a;a;gt;藏书网&a;a;lt;/cite&a;a;gt;l at once, looked into his; dozens offauns, mentius and obentinus and duus, voluns, voltinus, girbius, nienus, nausus, andoss.

  pattertwig had sent theall.

  when caspian awokehuld hardly believe that it had not allbeen a drea but the grass wavered with little cloven hoof-rks.

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