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  caspian's adventure in the mountain&a;a;lt;bdi&a;a;gt;..&a;a;lt;/bdi&a;a;gt;s

  after this, caspian and his tutor had ny re secret versations oop of?99lib?he great tower, and at each versation caspian learned re about old narnia, so that thinking and dreang about the old days, and longing that they ght e back, filled nearly all his spare hours. but ourse he had not ny hours to spare, for now his education was beginning in ear. he learned sword-fighting and riding, swiing and diving, how to shoot with the bolay on the rder and the theorbo, how to hunt the stag and cut hiup when he was dead, besides ography, rhetoric, heraldry, versification, and ourse history, with a little law, physic, alche, and astrono. of magic he learned only the theory, for doctor elius said the practical part was not proper study for princes. &a;a;quot;and i self,&a;a;quot; he added, &a;a;quot;aonly a very ierfect gi anddo only the sllest experints.&a;a;quot; of navigation (&a;a;quot;which is a noble and heroical art,&a;a;quot; said the doctor) he was taught nothing, because king miraz disapproved of ships and the sea.

  he also learned a great deal by using his own eyes and ears. as a little boy he had often wondered why he disliked his aunt, queen prunaprisa; he now saw that it was because she disliked hi he also began to see that narnia was an unhappy try. the taxes were high and the laws were stern and miraz was a cruel n.

  after so years there ca a ti when the queen seed to be ill and there was a great deal of bustle and pother about her in the castle and doctors ca and thurtiers whispered. this was in early suerti. and one night, while all this fuss was going on, caspian was uedly wakened by doctor elius after he had been only a few hours in bed.

  &a;a;quot;are we going to do a little astrono, doctor?&a;a;quot; said caspian.

  &a;a;quot;hush!&a;a;quot; said the doctor. &a;a;quot;trustand do exactly as i tell you. put on all your clothes; you have a long journey before you.&a;a;quot;

  caspian was very surprised, but he had learo have fiden his tutor and he began doing what he was told at once. when he was dressed the doctor said, &a;a;quot;i have a wallet for you. we st go into therooand fill it with victuals froyhness's supper table.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;my gentlen-in-waiting will be there,&a;a;quot; said caspian.

  &a;a;quot;they are fast asleep and will not wake,&a;a;quot; said the doctor. &a;a;quot;i aa very ni but iat least trive a chard sleep.&a;a;quot;

  they went into the antechaer and there, sure enough, the two gentlen-in-waiting were, sprawling on chairs and sn hard. doctor elius quickly cut up the reins of ld chi and so slices of venison and put the with bread and an apple or so and a little flask of good wine, into the wallet which he then gave to caspian. it fitted on by a strap over caspian's shoulder, like a satchel you would use for taking books to school.

  &a;a;quot;have you your sword?&a;a;quot; asked the doctor.

  &a;a;quot;yes,&a;a;quot; said caspian.

  &a;a;quot;then put this ntle over all to hide the sword and the wallet. that's right. and now we st go to the great tower and talk.&a;a;quot;

  when they had reached the top of the tower (it was a cloudy night, not at all like the night when they had seen the jun of tarva and alail) doctor elius said,

  &a;a;quot;dear prince, you st leave this castle at ond go to seek your fortune in the wide world. your life is in danger here.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;why?&a;a;quot; asked caspian.

  &a;a;quot;because you are the true king of narnia: caspiaenth, the true son and heir of caspian the ninth. long life to your majesty' - and suddenly, to caspian's great surprise, the little n dropped down on one knee and kissed his hand.

  &a;a;quot;what does it all an? i don't uand,&a;a;quot; said caspian.

  &a;a;quot;i wonder you have never askedbefore,&a;a;quot; said the doctor, &a;a;quot;why, being the son of king caspian, you are not king caspian yourself. everyone except your majesty knows that miraz is a usurper. when he first began to rule he did not eveend to be the king: he called hielf lord protector. but then your royal ther died, the &a;a;lt;q&a;a;gt;藏书网&a;a;lt;/q&a;a;gt;good queen and the only telrine who was ever kind to . and then, one by one, all the great lords, who had known your father, died or disappeared. not by act, either. miraz weeded theout. belisar and uvilas were shot with arrows on a hunting party: by ce, it retended. all the great house of the passarids he sent to fight giants on the northern froill one by ohey fell. arlian and erin and a dozen re he executed for treason on a false charge. the two brothers of beaversdahe shut up as dn. and finally he persuaded the seven noble lords, who alone ang all the telrines did not fear the sea, to sail away and look for new lands beyond the eastern o, and, as he intehey never ca back. and when there was no o whuld speak a word for you, then his flatterers (as he had instructed the begged hito bee king. and ourse he did.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;do you an he now wants to killtoo?&a;a;quot; said caspian.

  &a;a;quot;that is alst certain,&a;a;quot; said doctor elius.

  &a;a;quot;but why now?&a;a;quot; said caspian. &a;a;quot;i an, why didn't he do it long ago if he wao? and what harhave i done hi&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;he has ged his nd about you because of sothing that happened only two ho. the queen has had a son.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;i don't see what that's got to do with it,&a;a;quot; said caspian.

  &a;a;quot;don't see!&a;a;quot; exclaid the doctor. &a;a;quot;have alllessons in history and politics taught you no re than that? listen. as long as he had no children of his own, he was willing enough that you should be king after he died. he y not have cared ch about you, but he would rather you should have the throhan a stranger. now that he has a son of his own he will want his own son to be theking. you are in the way. he'll clear you out of the way.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;is he really as bad as that?&a;a;quot; said caspian. &a;a;quot;would he really rder ?&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;he rdered your father,&a;a;quot; said doctor elius.

  caspia very queer and said nothing.

  &a;a;quot;itell you the whole story,&a;a;quot; said the doctor. &a;a;quot;but not now. there is no ti. you st fly at once.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;you'll e with ?&a;a;quot; said caspian.

  &a;a;quot;i dare not,&a;a;quot; said the doctor. &a;a;quot;it would ke your danger greater. two are re easily tracked than one. dear prince, dear king caspian, you st be very brave. you st go alone and at ory to get across the southern border to thurt of king nain of arland. he will be good to you.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;shall i never see you again?&a;a;quot; said caspian in a quavering voice.

  &a;a;quot;i hope so, dear king,&a;a;quot; said the doctor. &a;a;quot;what friend have i in the wide world except your majesty? and i have a little gic. but in the anti, speed is everything. here are two gifts before you go. this is a little purse of gold alas, all the treasure in this castle should be your own by rights. and here is sothing far better.&a;a;quot;

  he put in caspian's hands sothing which huld hardly see but which he knew by the feel to be a horn.

  &a;a;quot;that,&a;a;quot; said doctor elius, &a;a;quot;is the greatest and st sacred treasure of narnia. many terrors i endured, ny spells did i utter, to find it, when i was still young. it is the gic horn of queen susan herself which she left behind her when she vanished fronarnia at the end of the golde is said that whoever blows it shall have strange help - no onesay how stra y have the power to call queen lud king ednd and queen susan and high kier back frothe past, and they will set all thts. it y be that it will call up asian hielf. take it, king caspian: but do not use it except at yreatest need. and now, haste, haste, haste. the little door at the very bottoof the tower, the door into the garden, is unlocked. there we st part.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot; i gethorse destrier?&a;a;quot; said caspian.

  &a;a;quot;he is already saddled and waiting for you just at the er of the orchard.&a;a;quot;

  during the long cli down the winding staircase elius whispered ny re words of dire and advice. caspian's heart was sinking, but he tried to take it all in. then ca the fresh air in the garden, a fervent handclasp with the doctor, a run across the lawn, a weling whinny frodestrier, and so king caspiaenth left the castle of his fathers. looking back, he saw firewoing up to celebrate the birth of the new prince.

  all night he rode southward, choosing by-ways and bridle paths through woods as long as he was in try that he knew; but afterwards he kept to the high road. destrier was as excited as his ster at this unusual journey, and caspian, though tears had e into his eyes at saying good-bye to doctor elius, felt brave and, in a way, happy, to think that he was king caspian riding to seek adventures, with his sword on his left hip and queen susan's gic horn on his right. but when day ca, with a sprinkle of rain, and he looked about hiand saw on every side unknown woods, wild heaths, and blue untains, he thought how large and strahe world was a frightened and sll.

  as soon as it was full daylight he left the road and found an open grassy place ad a wood where huld rest. he took off destrier's bridle a higraze, ate sod chi and drank a little wine, and presently fell asleep. it was late afternoon when he awoke. he ate a rsel and tinued his journey, still southward, by ny unfrequented lanes. he was now in a land of hills, going up and down, but always re up than down. froevery ridge huld see the untains growing bigger and blacker ahead. as the evening closed in, he was riding their lower slopes. the wind rose. soon rain fell in torrents.

  destrier beca uneasy; there was thunder in the air. and now they entered a dark and seengly endless pine forest, and all the stories caspian had ever heard of trees being unfriendly to man crowded into his nd. he reered that he was, after all, a telrine, one of the race who cut down trees wherever theuld and were at war with all wild things; and though he hielf ght be uher telrihe treeuld not be expected to know this.

  nor did they. the wind beca a teest, the woods roared and creaked all round the there ca a crash. a tree fell right across the road just behind hi &a;a;quot;quiet, destrier, quiet!&a;a;quot; said caspian, patting his horse's neck; but he was treling hielf and khat he had escaped death by an inch. lightning flashed and a great crack of thunder seed to break the sky in two just overhead.

  destrier bolted in good ear. caspian was a good rider, but he had not the strength to hold hiback. he kept his seat, but he khat his life hung by a thread during the wild career that followed. tree after tree rose up before thein the dusk and was only just avoided. then, alst too suddenly to hurt (a did hurt hitoo) sothing struck caspian on the forehead and he knew no re.

  when he ca to hielf he was lying in a firelit place with bruised lis and a bad headache. low voices were speaking close at hand.

  &a;a;quot;and now,&a;a;quot; said one, &a;a;quot;before it wakes up we st decide what to do with it.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;kill it,&a;a;quot; said another. &a;a;quot;we 't let it live. it would betray us.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;we ought to have killed it at once, or else let it alone,&a;a;quot; said a third voice. &a;a;quot;we 't kill it now. not after we've taken it in and bas head and all. it would be rdering a guest.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;gentlen,&a;a;quot; said caspian in a feeble voice, &a;a;quot;whatever you do to , i hope you will be kind topoor horse.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;your horse had taken flight long before we found you,&a;a;quot; said the first voice - a curiously husky, earthy voice, as caspian now noticed.

  &a;a;quot;now don't let it talk you round with its pretty words,&a;a;quot; said the sed voice. &a;a;quot;i still say-&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;horns and halibuts!&a;a;quot; exclaid the third voice. &a;a;quot;ourse we're not going to rder it. for sha, nikabrik. what do you say, trufflehunter? what shall we do with it?&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;i shall give it a drink,&a;a;quot; said the first voice, presubly trufflehunter's. a dark shape approached the bed. caspia an arslipped gently under his shoulders - if it was exactly an ar the shape sohow seed wrong. the face that bent towards hiseed wrong too. he got the iression that it was very hairy and very long nosed, and there were odd white patches on each side of it. &a;a;quot;it's a sk of so sort,&a;a;quot; thought caspian. &a;a;quot;or perhaps i'in a fever and igining it all.&a;a;quot; a cupful of sothing sweet and hot was set to his lips and he drank. at that nt one of the others poked the fire. a blaze sprang up and caspian alst scread with the shock as the sudden light revealed the face that was looking into his own. it was not a n's face but a badger's, though larger and friendlier and re intelligent than the face of any badger he had seen before. and it had certainly been talking. he saw, too, that he was on a bed of heather, in a cave. by the fire sat two little bearded n, so ch wilder and shorter and hairier and thicker than doctor elius that he kheat once for real dwarfs, a dwarfs with not a drop of hun blood in their veins. and caspiahat he had found the old narnians at last. then his head began to swiagain.

  in thefew days he learo know theby he badger was called trufflehunter; he was the oldest and ki of the three. the dwarf who had wao kill caspian was a sour black dwarf (that is, his hair and beard were black, and thid hard like horsehair). his na was nikabrik. the other dwarf was a red dwarf with hair rather like a fox's and he was called trukin.

  &a;a;quot;and now,&a;a;quot; said nikabrik on the first evening when caspian was well enough to sit up and talk, &a;a;quot;we still have to decide what to do with this hun. you two think you've do a great kindess by not lettingkill it. but i suppose the upshot is that we have to keep it a prisoner for life. i'certainly not going to let it go alive - to go back to its own kind aray us all.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;bulbs and bolsters! nikabrik,&a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;quot;why need you talk so unhandsoly? it isn't the creature's fault that it bashed its head against a tree outside our hole. and i don't think it looks like a traitor.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;i say,&a;a;quot; said caspian, &a;a;quot;you haven't yet found out whether i want to go back. i don't. i want to stay with you - if you'll let . i've been looking for people like you alllife.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;that's a likely story,&a;a;quot; growled nikabrik. &a;a;quot;you're a telrine and a hun, aren't you? ourse you want to go back to your own kind.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;well, even if i did, uldn't,&a;a;quot; said caspian. &a;a;quot;i was flying forlife when i hadact. the king wants to kill . if you'd killed , you'd have dohe very thing to please hi&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;well now,&a;a;quot; said trufflehunter, &a;a;quot;you don't say so!&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;eh?&a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;quot;what's that? what have you been doing, hun, to fall foul of miraz at ye?&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;he'suncle,&a;a;quot; began caspian, when nikabrik jued up with his hand on his dagger.

  &a;a;quot;there you are!&a;a;quot; he cried. &a;a;quot;not only a telri close kiest ene. are you still d enough to let this creature live?&a;a;quot; he would have stabbed caspian then and there, if the badger and trukin had not got in the way and forced hiback to his seat and held hidown.

  &a;a;quot;now, ond for all, nikabrik,&a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;quot;will you tain yourself, or st trufflehunter and i sit on your head?&a;a;quot;

  nikabrik sulkily prosed to behave, and the other two asked caspian to tell his whole story. when he had done so there was a nt's silence.

  &a;a;quot;this is the queerest thing i ever heard,&a;a;quot; said trukin.

  &a;a;quot;i don't like it,&a;a;quot; said nikabrik. &a;a;quot;i didn't know there were stories about us still told ang the huns. the less they know about us the better. that old nurse, now. she'd better have held her tongue. and it's all xed up with that tutor: a renegade dwarf. i hate 'e i hate 'eworse than the huns. you rkwords - no good will e of it.

  &a;a;quot;don't you go talking about things you don't uand, nikabrik,&a;a;quot; said trufflehunter. &a;a;quot;you dwarfs are as fetful and geable as the huns theelves. i'a beast, i a and a badger what's re. we don't ge. we hold on. i say great good will e of it. this is the true king of narnia we've got here: a true king, ing back to true narnia. and we beasts reer, even if dwarfs fet, that narnia was never right except when a son of adawas king.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;whistles and whirligigs! trufflehunter,&a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;quot;you don't an you want to give the try to huns?&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;i said nothing about that,&a;a;quot; answered the badger. &a;a;quot;it's not men's try (who should know that better than ?) but it's a try for a n to be king of. we badgers have long enough ries to know that. why, bless us all, wasn't the high kier a man?&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;do you believe all those old stories?&a;a;quot; asked trukin.

  &a;a;quot;i tell you, we don't ge, we beasts,&a;a;quot; said trufflehunter. &a;a;quot;we don't fet. i believe in the high kier and the rest that reig cair paravel, as firy as i believe in aslan hielf.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;as firy as that, i dare say,&a;a;quot; said trukin. &a;a;quot;but who believes in aslan nowadays?&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;i do,&a;a;quot; said caspian. &a;a;quot;and if i hadn't believed in hibefore, i would now. back there ang the huns the people who laughed at aslan would have laughed at stories about talkis and dwarfs. sotis i did wonder if there really was such a person as aslan: but then sotis i wondered if there were really people like you. yet there you are.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;that's right,&a;a;quot; said trufflehunter. &a;a;quot;you're right, king caspian. and as long as you will be true to old narnia you shall beking, whatever they say. long life to your majesty.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;you kesick, badger,&a;a;quot; growled nikabrik. &a;a;quot;the high kier and the rest y have been men, but they were a different sort of men. this is one of the cursed telrines. he has hunted beasts for sport. haven't you, now?&a;a;quot; he added, rounding suddenly on caspian.

  &a;a;quot;well, to tell you the truth, i have,&a;a;quot; said caspian. &a;a;quot;but they weren't talkis.&a;a;quot;

  &a;a;quot;it's all the sa thing,&a;a;quot; said nikabrik.

  &a;a;quot;no, no, no,&a;a;quot; said trufflehunter. &a;a;quot;you know it isn't. you know very well that the beasts in narnia nowadays are different and are no re than the poor du, witless creatures you'd find in en or telr. they're sller too. they're far re different frous than the half-dwarfs are froyou.&a;a;quot;

  there was a great deal re talk, but it all ended with the agree藏书网nt that caspian should stay and even the prose that, as soon as he was able to go out, he should be taken to see what trukin called &a;a;quot;the others&a;a;quot;; for apparently in these wild parts all sorts of creatures frothe old days of narnia still lived on in hiding.

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